After years of what has seemed to be mostly empty promises about how artificial intelligence (AI) in cyber security solutions would make cyber threats a thing of the past, it’s only natural for IT teams to be skeptical about the “latest and greatest” technologies. But intelligent cyber security technologies that can reduce risk are out there. Which one will work for your organization?
The simple truth is that no matter how advanced current AI technology claims to be, it is not going to make decisions for any organization. Having said that, there have been improvements that are beginning to make good on the promises of old. Case in point: security information and event management platforms, or SIEMs, which have been called the “beating heart” of cyber security solutions. While SIEMs were deemed somewhat limited just a few years ago, they’re now being heralded for their multi-layered architecture, which are tools that have vastly improved the scope of intelligent cyber security technology.
Outsmarting the Smart Guys
Not all cyber criminals are built the same. Some are vastly more equipped to fight a nasty fight. They’re the ones that are building malware that sneaks into well-guarded networks, slipping past corporate defenses. In many cases, these corporate entities have streamlined processes that are meant to put up walls of security that are seemingly unpassable. Their designs have been found out by the more ingenious and well-funded cyber criminals.
Again, in years past, AI was supposed to be the way corporate entities fought these well-funded adversaries, but it often fell short. Today, that’s beginning to change, as AI is finally stepping up and analyzing the behavior of applications. AI is helping to take some workload off analysts, reducing the human error element.
Work With the Right Agent
It’s not unusual for organizations to get sidetracked given all the options available in cyber security tools. What might seem promising on paper might not integrate with your current infrastructure. By working with an agent whose full time job is to stay on top of these technologies, you can position yourself to be at less risk to cyber attack. Even IT teams with vast amounts of experience can find value in partnering with the right agent.AMD Technology provides the type of guidance organizations need today to ensure their approach to cyber security isn’t missing any vital components. We know it’s difficult for most IT teams to keep up with the evolving technology that might or might not protect them. We can help you make the right decisions. Contact us, and let’s discuss what intelligent cyber security technology makes sense for your unique needs.