If you’re hearing common cloud myths coming up in conversation, here’s your guide to dispelling them.

Four Common Cloud Myths

Even as cloud solutions become more and more a part of daily business for most enterprises, a few common cloud myths continue to hang on. They can set the stage…

How Cloud Communication Is Changing the Business World

Companies that deploy cloud solutions enjoy better efficiency and productivity as well as cost savings. If you’re not utilizing cloud communication, you’re missing out on several important benefits. Cloud communication…

The Cloud Meets (and Solves) Network Challenges

As options in the cloud expand possibilities for enterprise IT infrastructure, companies are gaining agility and performance as well as reducing their overall costs. Many companies are able to spread…
Hybrid Cloud

Successfully Structuring Your Hybrid Cloud

The cloud provides a variety of benefits that are particularly attractive for small- to mid-size businesses. It’s easily scalable, more affordable than on-site software, and updates are a comparative breeze.…